
The 33rd China (Guangzhou) International Health Industry Expo 2025

12-14 June 2025

China Import and Export Fair Complex

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Conferences and Activities 2017

Time: 2017-07-14
時間 Time會議名稱 Conference地點 Place組織單位 Organizer June 14th-15th全天     All day09:00-17:002017世界好水高峰論壇          FINEWATERS Summit 2017中國?廣州南豐朗豪酒店       LANGHAM PLACE HOTEL環(huán)球好水協(xié)會、廣州英富曼意帆展覽有限責(zé)任公司、廣州市藝帆展覽服務(wù)有限公司  The Fine Water SocietyGuangzhou Informa Yi Fan Exhibitions Co.,Ltd;Guangzhou Yifan Exhibition Service Co.,Ltd.June 16th上午 Morning 09:30-10:10開幕式暨頒獎典禮Opening Ceremony and Awards廣交會展館B區(qū)(二層珠江散步道)   10.2館北門西側(cè)                       Hall 10.2 Northern Gate,China Import and Export Fair Complex, Area B09:30-12:002017大健康產(chǎn)業(yè)高層論壇暨領(lǐng)袖峰會  International Health Industry Leaders Conference 2017廣交會展館B區(qū)B8號會議室(北廳)No.8 Conference Room (North)廣東省營養(yǎng)健康產(chǎn)業(yè)協(xié)會、廣州英富曼意帆展覽有限責(zé)任公司、廣州市藝帆展覽服務(wù)有限公司、家庭醫(yī)生在線                                                Guangdong Nutrition & Health Industry Association; Guangzhou Informa Yi Fan Exhibitions Co.,Ltd; Guangzhou Yifan Exhibition Service Co.,Ltd;
Family Doctor Online.
2017大健康產(chǎn)業(yè)奧斯卡評選頒獎典禮    Health Industry Academy Awards Ceremony 2017廣交會展館B區(qū)B8號會議室(北廳)               No.8 Conference Room (North)廣東省營養(yǎng)健康產(chǎn)業(yè)協(xié)會、家庭醫(yī)生在線、廣州英富曼意帆展覽有限責(zé)任公司、廣州市藝帆展覽服務(wù)有限公司、 Guangdong Nutrition & Health Industry Association 、Guangzhou Informa Yi Fan Exhibitions Co.,Ltd;                                                 Guangzhou Yifan Exhibition Service Co.,Ltd;